Strange Energy and Belly Flab Connection Revealed
Subject: Strange Energy and Belly Flab Connection Revealed This article is going to blow your mind. Seriously. Jayson Hunter, my biz partner over at Prograde Nutrition, just wrote about the connection between your energy levels and belly flab. Needless to say, this is MUST READ stuff. Well, if you’re looking to get rid of those…
Really Cool New Research On Fat Loss
Really Cool New Research On Fat Loss Ever hear of Nutrition Partitioning? Well, the research is showing that it allows your body to burn more fat and build muscle at the same time. Talk about cool! Here’s an easy-to-understand article on the subject from my partners over at Prograde. Yours in health, Andy Salazar
Fitness Predictions
Fitness Predictions Are you looking for best Fitness Predictions for New Year! January is an exciting time – you have a clean slate to become who you want and accomplish what you want in the year ahead. In the world of fitness, this time of year means tons of new faces and lives being changed. New…
Personal Training Studio Visalia, CA
A quick tour inside our studio in Visalia, CA. Spring Specials are now available. Call Today to reserve your spot! (559)636-3488
The Exercise Prescription
Are you looking for The Exercise Prescription? Dr. Joseph Mercola, a well-known health advocate, has an interesting take on exercise. He believes that it should be prescribed, like any other medication, in daily doses. “The simple act of writing out a prescription for exercise is an excellent approach to being proactive in regard to your…
The Power of Change
Do you have The Power Of Change to Everything? Do you wish you could change something about your life right now? I’m here to argue that change can happen in an instant. I know this goes against popular thought. Most people believe that change has to be worked at for months or even years. We…
7 Habits of Highly Fit People
Do you Know 7 Habits Of Highly Fit People? Lots of people ask me how to quickly and easily get fit. While I know they are hoping for a simple answer, the reality is that getting and staying fit is a lifestyle, not a quick fix. So what do fit people do in their “healthy…
Multi-Set Training for Ultimate Fat Burning and Lean Muscle Mass
If you looking for Multi Set Training for Ultimate Fat Burning And Lean Muscle Mass? Quit wasting precious time at the gym wandering around aimlessly wondering which body part to work and follow my sure fire plan to get in killer shape faster then you ever thought possible. Stop your traditional style of weight training…