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8 Fun and Effective Ways to Become More Active Every Day

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You know you should be getting some sort of exercise in daily FOR 8 ways to get active every day, you have read or heard of all the health benefits that come with living an active lifestyle. So, what’s holding you back?  You’ve tried the whole gym thing, but it just wasn’t for you, too loud, too many people, feel out of place and uncomfortable. You are not alone, but is that a valid excuse to not be active?  I know it’s easier to give into temptation and just sit in front of the TV, curl up with a good book, or spend hours on the computer.  How does these activities help you live a more active and healthy lifestyle?  Taking the easy way out is what has added the 10-50 extra pounds we are carrying around, it’s time to take control of your life and embrace  the daily grind of living a healthy lifestyle.  Exercise does not have to be a chore and it can be fun and rewarding.  There is no magic formula for living a healthy lifestyle the key is to do something active daily and make smart nutritional choices more often than not.  There are many other options other than jogging, weight lifting or other traditional ways to work out to be more physically active. Here are 8 ideas that will get you moving.
1) Chase your Kids or Grandkids around the yard.
You’d be surprised at how much of a work out you’ll get playing catch, tag, or hide and seek with your kids. Time will fly while you are having fun, laughing, and tumbling with your children and they will enjoy the extra time with you. Just get out there and play for 30 minutes to an hour and you will burn a ton of calories.
2) Be a dancing machine, crank up the music!
While you’re cleaning house, dusting, putting up dishes, vacuuming, straightening up the kids’ rooms, or after you’ve been sitting around for too long, turn the music to your favorite dance tunes and dance and spin around in the house. Not only will you get your heart rate up, but you’ll also have more fun doing some of those boring daily chores.
3) Mow your lawn or plant some flowers.
Doing your own yard work is an excellent way to get in some exercise and shed some fat.  Just get out there mow the lawn, and plant some flowers. Or you could start a little vegetable garden, trim some hedges, weed whack, or plant a tree. You get the idea. Just get out there, enjoy the sunshine and fresh air, and play in the dirt. Yes, this actually counts as exercise in my book especially if you are moving and sweating for an hour or more.
4) Hit the Pavement, Go for a Walk.
Take a walk and invite a friend to come along, or your spouse. I’ve had some of the best conversations while on a walk. Getting to chat with a friend or plan your week or day with your spouse will make the time fly by and before you know it you’ve been walking for 30-60 minutes. Walking is also an excellent stress reliever.
5) Take some Dance Lessons with your Partner or do Zumba.
Dancing will give you quite the workout and it’s just plain fun and of course romantic if your partner joins you. Pick something that sounds fun to you and go for it.  Try ball room, salsa, or Line-Dancing. You’ll enjoy the extra one on one time with your partner as well as dance your buns off.
6) Go for a Swim.
Swimming makes for some great exercise and is an awesome full body workout . It is low impact and easy on your joints. Start by swimming a few laps, treading water, or play in the pool with your kids for a minimum of 30 minutes.
7) Take your bike for a spin.
Take the entire family on a bike ride. You can ride through your neighborhood in the evenings or plan a longer trip for the weekend. This is a fun way to burn extra calories and work your lower body, and is easy on your joints.  Plan a ride to a park and pack a picnic for fun.
8) Go for a Hike.
Take advantage of being so close to the Sequoia Kings Canyon National Park and plan a hike on one of the many trails available. This could be a fun activity for you and a friend, or take the entire family along. Start with some easy trails and work yourself up to some longer or steeper trails.
The key to living an active lifestyle is to be active everyday in one way or another for 30-60 minutes.  There are no shortcuts to losing weight or getting in shape.  You have to commit to the process and do something daily.  Choose routine that works for you and don’t stop doing it.  Find your level of fitness and activity, make a goal then stick to it.  Your training should always match your goals and wants, if it doesn’t you will not stick to it for very long.  You can do this, I believe in you!

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